Giloy Powder 75g
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Giloy Powder 75g


Giloy powder: Giloy or Tinospora Cordifolia or simply Amrutha balli is a shrub that grows on other trees. It is native to Indian sub-continent and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine.


Giloy powder: Giloy or Tinospora Cordifolia or simply Amrutha balli is a shrub that grows on other trees. It is native to Indian sub-continent and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine.

Benefits: Regular use of Giloy may help:

• Clear Skin irritations and infections.
• Reduce fever and body pain.
• Reduce blood sugar levels and control diabetes.

Preparation: Follow the below preparation method for the best results.

1. Mix 1/2 tspn. of Giloy powder in 100 ml of water and boil it till the volume reduces to 50ml, consume this mix after lunch and dinner.
2. Alternatively take 1/2 tspn. of giloy powder in 1 tspn. Honey and consume directly. Best consumed after a meal.
Note: People with diabetes, should consult with their doctor for the dosage.